A Bag for Spider Lovers

A Bag for Spider Lovers

Note: This is an old blog post, transferred from my previous website

I am writing a series of short articles that explain some of my working practices, so, if you’re intrigued by the creative processes that I go through to create my handmade bags read on.


This bag (Now Sold) was inspired by the last one I created (here) and of course the season. It’s the first week of September and officially autumn though you wouldn’t know it! We’re having the best weather since June! - Oh Wow! - I’m 2 sentences in and I’m already off on a tangent and having a typical gripe about the weather.


Anyway, as I was saying, the bag I’m writing about is going to be the same shape as my circular Mandala painted bag, only a little deeper. so this time I don’t have to work out a pattern for it. I’ve already done all the maths and measuring and I have my card templates cut out ready. So nothing in this section about pattern drafting, sorry if that's what you were hoping for - maybe another time.

I want this bag to be spidery for halloween, but I love spiders all year round (I know, I’ve just gone down in a lot of people’s estimation - sorry Haha). So the plan is paint the whole exterior with my black mica powder paint mix then stitch on beaded spider web. 


Now, the while the paint is black to start with, I will be adding the mica powder and a little water - it needs water, otherwise the fabric will be too stiff once the paint dries (ask me how I know), getting that balance right can be quite difficult sometimes. The paint will dry a paler charcoal colour, and I’m hoping that when I add actual spider details later on they will show up well enough.

When I make painted bags, I usually use a good strong 100% white cotton as my base (there are exceptions like leather). I iron it on with a very hot steam iron, to smooth it, obviously but also the heat and steam will pre-shrink the cotton. That way I don’t get as much shrinkage later on in the making.

Then its a simple matter of marking out my pieces with the card templates, I have cool pens that I mark with, the ink disappears after a few days! And cutting them, ready for painting.

After all the pieces are painted (just ten pieces this time) I have a long boring wait while the paint dries. I usually leave it overnight for it to set properly - longer if it’s cold outside.


The next step will be actually painting the spiders, I'm looking forward to it!

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